Join the ICONS
Dance ICONS is a global network for choreographers of all levels of experience, nationalities, and genres. We offer a cloud-based platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, inspiration, and debate. Dance ICONS is based in Washington, D.C., and serves choreographers the world over.
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A key element of the mission of the Dance ICONS, Inc. organization is to provide the tools that will support the advancement and prosperity of young and emerging choreographers in all possible formats and arrangements. Individual professional members and institutional members receive a complimentary one-hour session in person or an online meeting. To become a member and sign up, please click here.
We offer the following three options and interactive formats to individual artists and artistic organizations to support their missions in developing choreographic talent. These are one-on-one sessions that span one day of events or one meeting. For support to nonmembers or for more information about the following options below, please contact our team at:
MEET – Mentorship, Education, Enrichment, and Transformation
This format consists of individual one-on-one sessions with an individual choreographer or a cohort of choreographers. The session could include various activities such as a review and feedback on choreographic work-in-progress, creative laboratory, choreographic improvisation, and lecture demonstration on a toolbox of composition. The session aims to answer the question, “What are other possible ways to create?” This one-time master class can be in any other flexible format not mentioned here or a combination of the above.
FACTS – Feedback, Advice, and Consulting on Tracks for Sustainability
This format consists of individual discussions with an emerging choreographer to include a dialog about creative practices and consultation about professional development and the expansion of their careers. This session aims to answer the question, “How do you create and how can you excel at it?” A customized plan will be crafted to address the specific needs of a particular choreographer and provide advice on long-term professional development strategies as well as short-term activities such as applying for open calls, artistic residencies, and professional development workshops.
BID – Book Informative Discussions
This format consists of a conversation, panel discussion, and Q&A session with dialog and debate with participants. The discussion will begin with a synopsis of Vladimir Angelov’s seminal textbook on choreography, You, The Choreographer, Creating and Crafting Dance, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York, 2023. A follow-up discussion will address the participants’ challenges and how to resolve them through various approaches to choreographic creativity. This session aims to answer the question, “How do we intellectually approach the emotional dimension of a physical expression?” Please look at a short info video about the book on YouTube here and consider obtaining a copy of the book before the event, and use the discount code YTC25 until December 31, 2025, in the link below: